They Saw A Lump In A Soccer Net And Went To Investigate -- It Was An Owl In Need!

I'm a huge fan of watching animal rescues, but I can't imagine how scary the experience must be for the creatures that get injured or trapped. Some are able to eventually get out of the situation themselves. Other critters, like this unfortunate owl, aren't so lucky and need assistance. It's pretty likely that the poor thing would have never gotten loose if these kind people hadn't seen it struggling. While a man was heading to his son's soccer game in Clemmons, North Carolina, he noticed a few people gathered around something caught in the net. When he got closer, he...

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They Saw A Lump In A Soccer Net And Went To Investigate -- It Was An Owl In Need! They Saw A Lump In A Soccer Net And Went To Investigate -- It Was An Owl In Need! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, February 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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