She Felt A Strange Urge To Text Her Dad -- One Day Later, He Took His Own Life

Nigel Allan always lived by the motto of “Never, ever, ever give up.” Allan made his living as a motivation speaker who would recall his struggles in life dealing with an abusive father and how he turned to God to find strength. He was a man with a plan and had big ideas and even bigger dreams for the future. However, after being diagnosed with a rare lung disease in 2011, he spiraled into serious depression. Even after receiving a necessary lung transplant, Allan spent weeks in and out of the hospital and he realized he would never be entirely...

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She Felt A Strange Urge To Text Her Dad -- One Day Later, He Took His Own Life She Felt A Strange Urge To Text Her Dad -- One Day Later, He Took His Own Life Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, February 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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