You Don't Know Happiness Until You See A Slow Loris Eating A Banana

There’s nothing I find more disgusting than someone chewing with their mouth open while eating in public. It’s always been one of my major pet peeves, and whenever I catch a relative or friend in the act, I’m quick to point out the gross habit. But though I find that repulsive, I don’t mind at all when this slow loris takes a bite of his food without worrying about his manners. The tiny, lovable animal is so adorable, in fact, that I almost don't notice that he chews with his mouth open! Just when you think the cuteness is done,...

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You Don't Know Happiness Until You See A Slow Loris Eating A Banana You Don't Know Happiness Until You See A Slow Loris Eating A Banana Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, February 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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