Who’s Gonna Die In Season 7 of the Game of Thrones?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to get my hopes and dreams smashed by the upcoming season of G.R.R. Martin’s epic saga. In fact, I’m still internally crying every time I’m reminded of that swift chop that beheaded Ned Stark in season 1. And that was like 7 years ago! Daenerys is about to murder half of Westeros, the White Walkers will probably “recruit” those dead bodies into their own army, and the poor Starks will have to deal with all this nasty shit using a bucket of Dragonglass and maybe one of Dany’s pet Charizards. Those poor bastards. But here’s where the fun part starts. Who’s going to die this season? Probably not Dany, Jon, or Tyrion, so who’s left then? Here are 5 of the more likely candidates.



Theon Greyjoy
Now, in any other show or story set in a fantasy world, Theon would probably end up killing his evil uncle Euron, getting that sweet-sweet crown for himself. But this is GRRM’s fantasy, so the kid’s gonna definitely die a painful and excruciating death. Just “for teh lulz”, and because he betrayed the Starks way back when. His only chance to survive would be to stay in the back and let Dany and her “kids” do all the dirty work. But that’s not how George likes his characters. My bet is on drowning. I can already see Theon tackling Euron on that narrow bridge, where his uncle got rid of the old king. It’s karmic justice, plus a fan-favorite dies, in GRRM’s book that’s a WIN-WIN scenario!

Jaime Lannister
Just like Theon, Jaime has done some stupid, yet justifiable stuff in the past, as well as some pretty decent deeds, which makes him one of the most interesting characters in Game of Thrones. And as it happens to interesting characters – they usually die in the world of Westeros. And all that time spent with Brienne has made him a slightly better person, even though he did not shoot Cersei on the spot when she blew up the Sept, which made their son think he could fly. Oops, spoilers! I personally hope Jaime lives to fight another season, which makes me paranoid in the first place. I’m gonna say he’ll lose his other hand before getting stabbed a million times. Well, at least Jorah is still alive and kicking! … Oh, no…

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2kqG504

Who’s Gonna Die In Season 7 of the Game of Thrones? Who’s Gonna Die In Season 7 of the Game of Thrones? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, February 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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