10 Sexy Male Villains We Can’t Get Enough Of

What is it that makes villains so appealing? Many women love bad boys, but there are characters that cross all possible boundaries and still draw the attention of millions of fans. Not only are they popular, most female fans are actually dreaming about dating these guys! These ‘bad boys’ are impossible to resist and they know it, which makes them even more dangerous and attractive. Think you can resist these super hot villains? Here are 10 sexy ‘bad boys’ that will make your knees tremble.



Jackson ‘Jack’ Rippner (Red Eye, 2005)
Cillian Murphy has no problems with playing sexy bad guys like Dr. Jonathan Crane, otherwise known as the Scarecrow from ‘Batman Begins’. Suave, charming and sophisticated, Murphy is exactly the type of guy you want sitting next to you on a long flight. That is until he reveals that you are part of his elaborate scheme to assassinate a government official. Despite this minor flaw, Jackson would be an ideal date: he dresses well, he’s got a winning smile, and he’s probably ripped from all that terrorizing he’s been up to.



John Harrison / Khan (Star Trek Into Darkness, 2013)
If you aren’t a Trekkie, all you need to know is that this genetically modified super hunk looks just like Benedict Cumberbatch, and that should be enough. If you want more than that, you should also know that he’s super smart, dashing, and really cares for his family. If that’s not an ideal villain, then we don’t know who is! Please mind that he’s quite a murderous man, so don’t expect your date to go without at least some action.

Eric Coulter (Divergent, 2014)
If your type is the loud, super competitive hunky guy, then you’ll want to know this character a little bit closer. Eric is not only good-looking, he’s also ready to do anything to get on top when society is overthrown. This isn’t your polite gentle type of guy who treats you right – Eric will throw you into the abyss if you don’t live up to his standards. But hey, look at all those muscles! No one this pretty can be that bad, right?



Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014)
He’s got amazing locks, brooding mysterious eyes, and an arm that can get those stubborn pickle jars open in a second. Don’t let his age fool you either, as this man looks younger than most of those cute hipsters wearing beanies. Everyone has a few skeletons in their closet, though, and Bucky is no exception. He was thrown from a train to his apparent doom and was later revived and brainwashed by the fascist Hydra to find and kill his best friend. But if you can look past those flaws, the Winter Soldier will keep you warm during the lonely cold nights.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2nA9HZe

10 Sexy Male Villains We Can’t Get Enough Of 10 Sexy Male Villains We Can’t Get Enough Of Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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