Funny, Fed-Up Dad Responds To Son's Crying Like We All Want To When Kids Lose It

If there's one sound that just cuts into my soul like a dull knife, it's the cacophony of kids crying and throwing tantrums. And I don't mean that in some maternal "I want to help" way. I mean that in the "please get this screaming youth away from me before I snap" way. And admit it -- even if babies are your most favorite little critters on Earth, one too many empty sobs can drive you over the edge.That's why this father's response to his son crying speaks to me spiritually. Watch what happens when the little guy realizes Dad...

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Funny, Fed-Up Dad Responds To Son's Crying Like We All Want To When Kids Lose It Funny, Fed-Up Dad Responds To Son's Crying Like We All Want To When Kids Lose It Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, March 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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