McDonald's Employee Jumps Out Drive-Through Window To Help Off-Duty Officer

When Pedro Viloria was working the drive-through at a McDonald's in Florida, he noticed that his customer was having trouble breathing. Just as he was about to serve the woman, who was an off-duty police officer, her SUV started moving away. Her foot had gone off of the brake, and the vehicle stopped up against the driveway curb shortly after as she passed out. Viloria didn't have to think twice before launching himself out of the window to help the unconscious woman, whose terrified children were sitting in the back seat. Fortunately, a second employee started CPR on the woman...

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McDonald's Employee Jumps Out Drive-Through Window To Help Off-Duty Officer McDonald's Employee Jumps Out Drive-Through Window To Help Off-Duty Officer Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, March 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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