She Threw Her Friend A Gender-Reveal Party And Did Something That Made People Cry

Now more than ever, expecting couples are having gender-reveal parties to celebrate their upcoming babies. When Angela and her husband learned they were having a baby, they knew they wanted a creative and unique gender-reveal party. They also knew without a doubt that their friend Tiniki was just the right person for the job. Seated behind a large box, the happy couple anxiously awaited the moment when they could unwrap it and learn the gender of their baby. But when they saw what was inside, they were surprised. Three white balloons came out of the box, and they moved Angela...

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She Threw Her Friend A Gender-Reveal Party And Did Something That Made People Cry She Threw Her Friend A Gender-Reveal Party And Did Something That Made People Cry Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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