How NOT to Write Captions for Memes

How NOT to write captions for memes |

Don’t repeat the text on your picture in the caption.

See how irritating that is, and how it demeans the intelligence of your followers? We get it already. You don’t have to give us the identical information twice.

If you’ve been a lazy caption writer (or even worse, you don’t bother to include captions at all when you post pictures on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter), vow to change that habit. Right now.

When you’re committed to growing your social media following in an authentic manner, you’ve gotta stand out from the hordes who are satisfied with posting mediocre content.


On Instagram, I see hundreds of posts that say, “Hustle” on the picture. And the caption adds the oh-so-meaningful inspiration: “Keep hustling, friends! It’s all about the hustle!”

Duh. (Headslap)

Quick Tips:

  1. Use the text on the picture to enhance or draw attention to the caption.
  2. In your captions, include valuable followup information or inspiration. Random thoughts. Calls-to-action. Questions to get your followers engaged.

I’d love to hear from you.

Have you been a lazy caption writer and are committing to rid yourself of that habit? I want to congratulate you and send encouragement your way!

If you’re a conscientious caption writer, what’s the most successful caption you’ve written lately?

Tweet It!

Text on a meme should enhance or draw attention to the caption.

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Meme captions should include valuable followup information, inspiration, engaging questions, or calls-to-action.

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Never repeat identical text from a meme in its caption.

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Caption-writing tips for memes.

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Contributer : Blogging Bistro
How NOT to Write Captions for Memes How NOT to Write Captions for Memes Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, April 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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