School Officials Ban the Lord’s Prayer during Graduation. Then Students STUN All And Do This…

Reciting the Lord’s Prayer was a tradition upheld by graduating students at East Liverpool High School for close to 70 years. However, the school officials banned the students from reciting the prayer. Why? The Freedom of Religious Foundation said the prayer violated the US constitution and promoted religion.  In the bid to avoid legal tussles, the school banned the recitation. The seniors could not take the orders lying down.When their class valedictorian welcomed everyone to the graduation ceremony, the students unanimously recited the banned prayer. The students’ defiance was received with mixed reactions. However, most of the people were glad the students stood for whatever they believed in. The school officials are planning a non-denominational graduation for future graduations following the incident. Watch the video below and SHARE on Facebook! [video_player]

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School Officials Ban the Lord’s Prayer during Graduation. Then Students STUN All And Do This… School Officials Ban the Lord’s Prayer during Graduation. Then Students STUN All And Do This… Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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