You Never Lie About A Death, Especially Your Child's...Unless You're This Mother

In recent years, fundraising websites such as Fundly and GoFundMe have helped countless people achieve their fundraising goals in hopes of making life a little easier for themselves or someone else. But while these websites were originally created to help others cope with unexpected financial struggles, some people have taken advantage of people's generosity and have created campaigns to help fund everything from car repairs to exotic vacations. So it comes as no surprise that someone would find a way to game the system to support their own spending habits, but one Nevada mother pushed the limit when she lied...

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You Never Lie About A Death, Especially Your Child's...Unless You're This Mother You Never Lie About A Death, Especially Your Child's...Unless You're This Mother Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, April 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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