People are freaking out over inevitable Taylor Swift references on Harry Style's new album


Harry Styles' has a lot going on right now. With his debut solo album coming Friday, the One Direction band member has all eyes from across the world all on him—and fans have proven they are paying extra close attention to everything that's being released.  

Take an Apple Music promotion, for example. Because Styles-stans also double as secret agents, it wasn't long before fans they realized some lyrics being written in a 30-second promo for his album were about...*drumroll...Taylor Swift

Fans deciphered the blurry notebook and came to the consensus that some of the choice lyrics spotted were eerily referencing "Styles," the Swift song rumored to be about, well, Styles. The two, who famously dated in 2012, are still drawing material from their brief relationship apparently. Both their songs mention "red lips," eyes and a "white tee-shirt." Coincidence? Probably not.  Read more...

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COntributer : Mashable

People are freaking out over inevitable Taylor Swift references on Harry Style's new album People are freaking out over inevitable Taylor Swift references on Harry Style's new album Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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