They Saw A Pup On The Roof And Freaked Out. Then They Read This Note.

If you saw a dog you believed to be in danger, your first reaction would likely be to either try and help the pup yourself or find the people it belongs to and alert them immediately. While that's definitely the responsible thing to do, one family is asking the opposite of anyone who happens to pass by their home in Austin, Texas. You see, their golden retriever named Huckleberry absolutely loves hanging out on the roof and watching people from way up high. When people first began seeing Huckleberry on his roof, they were understandably concerned. Facebook / NO KILL...

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They Saw A Pup On The Roof And Freaked Out. Then They Read This Note. They Saw A Pup On The Roof And Freaked Out. Then They Read This Note. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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