This Boy's Step-Father Means So Much To Him, So He Asked For A Life-Changing Favor

The stepparents in fairy tales and myths get a really bad rap. And while blending families can be difficult, the truth is that there are plenty of stepmoms and stepdads out there who really care for their partners' kids. Stepparents are parents, too, showing up for every sports game and life event.One young boy loved his stepfather so much that he decided to make a request -- and give him a gift. He first reads a letter about how much he loves his dad. Finally he asks, "Do you love me? Do you love mom? Can you not live without...

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This Boy's Step-Father Means So Much To Him, So He Asked For A Life-Changing Favor This Boy's Step-Father Means So Much To Him, So He Asked For A Life-Changing Favor Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, May 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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