Join Samantha Bee in 'the semantic vortex,' where Trump mangles words and facts


The team behind Full Frontal with Samantha Bee went fully dystopic in a Wednesday segment called "Fantastic Words and Where Not To Find Them." The segment focuses on Trump and his administration's rejection of words and facts and what things mean, and it's enough to scramble anyone's brain.

Under the Trump administration, "truth" and "lies" have inexplicably become subjective terms. "Fake news" doesn't literally mean "false information"; it means rejecting something you don't agree with.

"The one good thing about life in a fear-based regime is getting to play Scrabble with your Commander, and we were denied even that," Bee said in yet another a perfect Handmaid's Tale reference. But as the video notes, Scrabble is probably off the table with the man who finishes less than half of his sentences and thinks "euphanism" is a word. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Video, Television, Samantha Bee, and Full Frontal With Samantha Bee

COntributer : Mashable

Join Samantha Bee in 'the semantic vortex,' where Trump mangles words and facts Join Samantha Bee in 'the semantic vortex,' where Trump mangles words and facts Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, June 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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