Guy endures a 3-day wait outside Taiwan's new Apple Store, to be the first in the door


As they say, if an Apple fan queues up for three days and no one is around to see it, did it happen?

A 28-year-old American named Steve Burt stood (and slept) in line for three days outside Taiwan's first Apple Store, in order to be the first in line when it opened on July 1.

Naturally, his antics, which included slipping a note through the glass door to staff inside, and getting kicked out by security, got the attention of the Taiwan media.

He also documented the three-day wait in a video for local content creator Stop Kiddin' Studio. Read more...

More about Apple, Taiwan, Apple Store, Taipei, and Macbook

COntributer : Mashable

Guy endures a 3-day wait outside Taiwan's new Apple Store, to be the first in the door Guy endures a 3-day wait outside Taiwan's new Apple Store, to be the first in the door Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, July 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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