A 'conversation' with Google's recently fired Tech-Bro-in-Chief


The man behind the infamous Google memo has decided he'd like to further his career in shitty memos by writing an editorial for The Wall Street Journal.

On Friday, James Damore published a "Well, Actually" piece for the Journal, technically titled "Why I Was Fired." In it, Damore claims that he was the innocent victim of the leftwing ideological echo chamber that is Google: a company that, it should be noted, remains 69% male and 56% white

As a biological woman, I'm too highly neurotic and cooperative to confront Damore directly. I would, however, still like to have a conversation with him that showcases my evolutionary tendency to be agreeable, cooperative and enthusiastic!!!! Read more...

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COntributer : Mashable http://ift.tt/2wQxZ2z

A 'conversation' with Google's recently fired Tech-Bro-in-Chief A 'conversation' with Google's recently fired Tech-Bro-in-Chief Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, August 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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