Fat shaming at the doctor's office isn't just wrong. It backfires — and harms its victims.


In her new memoir Hunger, Roxane Gay details the everyday physical and psychological humiliations inflicted on her overweight body.

If someone doesn't sneer at her size or comment on her food choices, they might pretend she doesn't exist at all, bumping and jostling her as they walk past. Never mind the persistent, ugly online harassment related to her size.

"When you're overweight, your body becomes a matter of public record in many respects," she writes. "Your body is constantly and prominently on display. People project assumed narratives onto your body and are not at all interested in the truth of your body, whatever that truth might be."  Read more...

More about Fat Shaming, Social Good, and Health

COntributer : Mashable http://ift.tt/2wx8eV9

Fat shaming at the doctor's office isn't just wrong. It backfires — and harms its victims. Fat shaming at the doctor's office isn't just wrong. It backfires — and harms its victims. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, August 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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