Move over, activated charcoal. Try the matte black latte.


Activated charcoal—the trendy margarita ingredient and cleaning agent—is nothing compared to a matte black latte. 

The new drink from Round K in New York City is even darker than the activated charcoal recipes that swept the internet a few months ago. 

The nondairy drink contains coconut ash, almond milk, espresso, 98 percent Dutch process cacao, and a coconut cream and marzipan topping. Coconut ash, a type of activated charcoal, is the ingredient that gives the drink its color. It's popular in ice cream too.  Read more...

More about Lattes, Activated Charcoal, Culture, and Food

COntributer : Mashable

Move over, activated charcoal. Try the matte black latte. Move over, activated charcoal. Try the matte black latte. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, August 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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