These Digital Makeovers Of Your Favorite TV And Movie Characters Are Nightmarish

You probably think of your favorite cartoon characters from the past and present as cute, fun, and even a little quirky, but this guy sees them just a bit differently. Wil Hughes is a digital artist from Australia who's studying animation at Griffith University in Brisbane. He enjoys taking lovable pop culture icons from TV shows and movies and changing them into terrifyingly realistic and disturbing works of art. Forget what you know about characters like Spongebob, Homer Simpson, and Ronald McDonald, because the following nightmares aren't exactly the friendly faces you know and love. (via BoredPanda) Yep, I'll never...

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These Digital Makeovers Of Your Favorite TV And Movie Characters Are Nightmarish These Digital Makeovers Of Your Favorite TV And Movie Characters Are Nightmarish Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, August 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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