Creating a Wet Plate Collodion Photo in a Portable Darkroom

Adrian Cook is a wet plate collodion photographer based in Sydney, Australia. The Guardian made this 7-minute video in which Cook talks about his background and walks through the wet plate collodion process by shooting a photo of Sydney Harbor.

“I find [with] digital, there’s no surprises,” Cook says. “I spend more time in front of a computer, and that’s not why I started photography. I still love that kind of… not quite sure what you’re going to get.”

Here’s a collection of plates Cook has made over the course of his career:

You can find more of Cook’s work on his website, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

(via The Guardian via ISO 1200)

Image credits: Photographs by Adrian Cook and used with permission

Contributer : PetaPixel
Creating a Wet Plate Collodion Photo in a Portable Darkroom Creating a Wet Plate Collodion Photo in a Portable Darkroom Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, January 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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