Amazon Alexa 'brief mode' will make your Echo less chatty

Ever feel that Amazon's Alexa voice assistant can be a bit too chatty for its own good? A new mode in testing could help the digital helper bite its tongue at appropriate moments on your Amazon Echo device.

Some Reddit users (as reported by AFTV News) are being offered a new beta "Brief Mode" to try in the Alexa app. This replaces spoken responses for simple beeps when some tasks have been completed.

So, for instance, were you to ask Alexa to turn on some smart lights, you'd be given the option of having Alexa beep affirmatively rather than speak.

Simple but effective

It's only a small tweak, but it could make that sense of an omnipresent Amazon spy in your home feel a little less overbearing, and there's plenty of potential for expansion.

While Amazon is keeping it simple at present, an expanded Brief Mode could cut down on things like timer explanations and unavailable music streaming songs. Sure, it'd be a little less personal, but perhaps also a bit more useful.

There's no word yet on when or if Brief Mode will roll out to all users, but we'll keep you posted.

Contributer : Techradar - All the latest technology news

Amazon Alexa 'brief mode' will make your Echo less chatty Amazon Alexa 'brief mode' will make your Echo less chatty Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, March 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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