Mom Writes Open Letter To Husband About Why He Needs To Help More With Their Kids

Parenting is tough, especially when you feel you aren't getting enough support -- or help -- from your partner. Raising kids is a job both moms and dads should put above all else, but unfortunately, some parents end up doing more (if not most) of the work. That's what's been frustrating Celeste Erlach, mother of two and the blogger behind The Ultimate Mom Challenge, so she decided to write an open letter to her husband explaining not only that she needs more help, but why and how she needs it. Her post resonated so much with other moms that after...

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Mom Writes Open Letter To Husband About Why He Needs To Help More With Their Kids Mom Writes Open Letter To Husband About Why He Needs To Help More With Their Kids Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, March 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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