13 Weirdest Makeup Trends EVER

People are strange, and not only when you’re a stranger. Seems as if every month, or even every week, some crazy chick on Instagram will come up with a new way to apply lipstick, or a new way to do the eyebrows, turning even the worst ideas ever into internet trends. Seems like women will do anything to get famous. Last year was a real treat for everyone who wanted to experiment with their makeup techniques, but some of the things you’re about to see may cause shortness of breath and an irresistible urge to repeat “but… why?” over and over. You’ve been warned!
Here are 13 weirdest makeup trends ever (but mostly of 2017).



1. Halo Brows
It’s not really a trend per se, because only a few people have done it, but it’s still a dumb internet idea.



2. Nose Hair Extensions
Wh-… no, NO! You TRIM the nose hair, not make it longer. Jeez, if you’re gonna pretend you’re a human at least try not to stand out.



3. Holographic Hair
Honestly, I like this one, because it looks absolutely lovely! Look at that metallic holo effect.

4. Dyed Armpit Hair
Because why would you not want your armpit bush to be orange, purple or whatever?



5. Wave Brows
Also known as “squiggle brows” on Instagram. This one’s relatively harmless, but also kinda silly.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2rxyQ7C

13 Weirdest Makeup Trends EVER 13 Weirdest Makeup Trends EVER Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, May 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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