Japanese Cosplayer Buys ‘Confidence’ With $64,000 of Plastic Surgery

A Japanese cosplayer shocked her followers after undergoing a massive transformation with the aid of a healthier diet, exercise, and over 7 million yen ($64,200) worth of cosmetic surgery.

Twitter user meiji1111111 decided to go beyond wigs, props, and makeup to achieve certain features she deemed best suited for otaku cosplayers and models.

In a series of tweets, she revealed the extensive work done on her face in the span of two months.

Meiji said her face is “currently on Version 3,” which is quite indistinguishable from how she originally looked.

She shared multiple images of how she looked before and after having the procedures done and the changes are very significant.

While Meiji understands that there are those who frown upon cosmetic surgery, she believes changing her appearance is important as it has given her confidence.

Despite the enormous surgery bill, Meiji says she is happy with the results.

“It’s not so much that I ‘fixed my face, but that I ‘purchased confidence,” she was quoted by SoraNews24 as saying.

Aside from her surgery, her new diet and fitness regimen also contributed a lot to her physical transformation.

So far, she has lost 12 kilograms (26.4 pounds) since committing to a daily exercise and adopting a strict diet of salads, soup, and yogurt.

Featured Image via Twitter / meiji1111111

The post Japanese Cosplayer Buys ‘Confidence’ With $64,000 of Plastic Surgery appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Japanese Cosplayer Buys ‘Confidence’ With $64,000 of Plastic Surgery Japanese Cosplayer Buys ‘Confidence’ With $64,000 of Plastic Surgery Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, May 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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