Why Snapchat may soon let you play games in its app


Snapchat is starting to look increasingly more like old Facebook.

In a bizarre twist of events, it looks like Snap is now embracing a strategy that's not unlike Facebook's playbook circa 2010.

The latest sign of it comes from a new report in The Information, which says Snap has plans to launch a gaming platform inside of its app. Details are scarce on how it would work, but the main idea is that Snap would allow developers to create games that users could play inside of Snapchat. The platform could launch by the fall, according to the report. Read more...

More about Tech, Facebook, Snapchat, Snap Inc, and Tech

COntributer : Mashable https://ift.tt/2lCeCqx

Why Snapchat may soon let you play games in its app Why Snapchat may soon let you play games in its app Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, June 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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