InfoWars' Pinterest page goes offline after Mashable inquiry
It's hard out there for conspiracy-theory peddling, dietary-supplement hawking, tormentors of grieving parents. But hope shines eternal in the human breast, and for Alex Jones that breast was starting to look a lot like Pinterest. Until Mashable emailed the social-sharing platform, that is.
Following a rough 24 hours for Alex Jones' InfoWars that saw the removal of his YouTube channel, getting five podcasts booted from Apple's iTunes, and the loss of four Facebook pages, the man who is perhaps best known for claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax perpetrated by so-called "crisis actors" continued to peddle his vile nonsense on a platform associated more with wedding planning than hate. Read more...
More about Pinterest, Infowars, Alex Jones, Tech, and Social Media CompaniesCOntributer : Mashable

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