A Prayer for God to Do the Impossible
A Prayer for God to Do the Impossible By Daily Disciples “The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’ And the Lord said, ‘If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and be planted in the sea'; and it would obey you.” – Luke 17:5-6 Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when Isaac was born. Both Abraham and Sarah were well past child bearing age. Most likely, they could not imagine having a baby at such an old age, but God had a different plan. The Lord knew the exact time in which Sarah would have Isaac and it would clearly be a miraculous blessing to her life. Throughout the years, as the Lord kept telling Abraham of this promise, Abraham kept believing and waiting on the promise to be fulfilled. Twenty-four years after God first promised an heir to Abraham, three men showed up at Abraham's door. The Lord was one of the three and He again restated His promise that they will bring forth a son, a baby boy. Sarah reacted by laughing. The Lord responded with a question: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Abraham was a man of faith. God said it and Abraham believed what God said. Simple, pure, powerful faith. Sarah believed Abraham and trusted his words but when the Lord showed up, she lacked in her faith to believe. She even laughed at what God said. For us, sometimes it is easier for us to believe a person or to believe in a person than to trust in God. If God gives us a promise we can have a hard time trying to work it out ourselves. The hardest part is waiting on the Lord to fulfill it. We wait, we wonder and sometimes we worry but God is always faithful to keep His promises. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Nothing. If He says it, then He will do it. Lord, you are faithful in all things. Your promises endure forever, and there is no limit to your miracles. In your hands all things are possible. You are the one who conquered death and made a place for us in heaven. May we never cease to sing your praise. In your name we pray, Amen.
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A Prayer for God to Do the Impossible
Reviewed by mimisabreena
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

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