11 Strangest Demands Celebrities Made Behind The Scenes

When you’re rich and famous, you get used to a certain lifestyle and always getting everything you need in an instant. Here are top 11 strangest demands celebs made behind the scenes.



1. Rihanna
For some reason Rihanna loves ”Archipelago Black Forest Candles”, and only them. If for some reason the promoter couldn’t find any, he’d need to ask Rihanna’s personal assistants what other brand she’d prefer.



2. Carrot Top
He always requests a picture to be painted or drawn, just to see if the staff actually reads his riders. And if he gets the goods, there’s something special waiting for the artist.

3. Jennifer Lawrence
While shooting “Mother!” Lawrence demanded that the crew build her a “happy place”, which was a tent with posters, gumballs and the Kardashians playing on the loop.



4. Tom Cruise
While shooting “War of the Worlds” Cruise somehow convinced the crew to prepare for him a Scientology tent with all the required staff.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2C9sKB8

11 Strangest Demands Celebrities Made Behind The Scenes 11 Strangest Demands Celebrities Made Behind The Scenes Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, October 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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