12 Vegetarian-Friendly (and Sometimes Vegan) Countries To Visit

Here at Brainberries we’re all about eating meat and having a good time. But some of the writers here are vegetarians and vegans, and we’re cool with that. So when we all head out to the steakhouse for some ribeyes and sirloins (as we do every Friday night!), we make sure our meatless adhering colleagues have their fill of lettuce leaves and more lettuce leaves. But don’t feel too sad for them. When they are off traveling, there are plenty of countries in the world that keep them happy with vegetarian and vegan dishes. In fact, here is a look at the 12 best countries to visit if corn nog and bean sprouts are your idea of a savory dinner.
12. United States
Back in 1993, the entire country only had around 50 vegan restaurants. But today that number has grown to 700 and counting. This doesn’t even take into account all of the vegetarian restaurants that exist. From San Francisco to Denver and Chicago to Philadelphia and even deep in the heart of Texas, there are plenty of really amazing options if you’re a vegan or vegetarian.
Best Restaurant: The Butcher’s Daughter, New York City
11. Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the most diverse countries in all of Asia, and it shows in their cuisine. With a Muslim majority (no pork), a sizeable Hindi minority (no beef) and Buddhists (no meat at all), it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can often have delicious vegetarian and vegan choices even if by accident.
Best Restaurant: Manja, Kuala Lumpur
10. Scandinavia
We’re lumping Norway, Sweden and Denmark together here because who’s going to stop us? I understand that putting them on the list is kind of controversial, but here me out. The people of Scandinavia have a pretty liberal attitude towards things, right? If you asked them, “Would you be open to the possibility that chickens are people too?” most would probably reply, “Sure. Why not?” You’ll find an abundance of vegetarian- and vegan-friendly options when you visit these countries. One of the reasons Scandinavia scores so high is because the hotels clearly understand that non-meat eaters are looking for more than Frosted Flakes and bread on the breakfast menu.
Best Restaurant: Hermans, Stockholm
9. United Arab Emirates
UAE makes this list for three main reasons. First, 85% of the population is made up of foreigners, mostly from Asian countries. So naturally they bring their customs with them, which in many cases includes vegetarianism/veganism. Second, the Middle East is famous for things like hummus and falafel. But the third reason is really important: when you request vegetarian fare, the folks over there don’t mess around. They respect your food preferences, unlike places like Russia where if you ask for a vegetarian dish, they often conclude you just mean less meat.
Best Restaurant: Super Natural Kitchen, Dubai
Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2CCjx5x

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