15 Useful Photoshop Shortcuts You’re Probably Not Using (Yet)

If you’re always looking for ways to optimize and streamline your photography post-processing workflow, here’s an 11-minute video for you. Jesús Ramirez of Photoshop Training Channel shares 15 helpful Photoshop keyboard shortcuts (AKA hotkeys) that aren’t as commonly known.

“Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts improve your everyday workflow and give an absolute boost in your productivity,” Ramirez says. “These hotkey combinations will certainly come in handy for every Photoshop user not matter if you are a Windows or OS X user!”

Here’s an index of the topics covered in the video:

00:42: Clone Tool Shortcuts
02:02: Load Luminosity
03:01: Lock Transparent Pixels
03:36: Restore Liquify
04:28: Puppet Warp
05:08: Cycle Through Brush List
05:38: Activate Layer Mask
06:19: Fill Only Opaque Pixels
07:09: Restore Last Selection
07:30: Change Brush Size and Hardness
07:46: Revert File
08:17: Increase Space Between Characters – Kerning
08:39: Pick Colors Outside of Photoshop
09:22: Cross-Hari on Painting Tools
10:10: Bonus – Banana Tool

Perhaps you know and regularly use some or most of these, but hopefully there was at least something you’re able to glean from the video to improve your Photoshop skills.

(via Photoshop Training Channel via Fstoppers)

Contributer : PetaPixel https://ift.tt/2EZA9mm
15 Useful Photoshop Shortcuts You’re Probably Not Using (Yet) 15 Useful Photoshop Shortcuts You’re Probably Not Using (Yet) Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, March 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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