15 Wholesome Asian Couples Reveal How They Met and It’s Giving My Single Ass Hope
It’s almost impossible to find Asian couple representation in the media besides in rare films like “Crazy Rich Asians”, so we asked our fans to share with us their most wholesome stories of how Asian couples met and you definitely did not disappoint.
Here are 15 couples and their ridiculously adorable stories of how they met.
Remy (23) & Jeremy (23)
“We met working at a Japanese fusion restaurant. Although we are both of Asian ethnicities, I (Chinese/European) and he (Cambodian/Chinese), we were raised in two different cultures. I was adopted by white lesbians from China, during the one child law in 1995. His grandmother, father and mother, and 10 other relatives were sponsored to come to the U.S. from Cambodia after Khmer Rouge. He is my partner, my songsa, everyday we can bridge the gap between cultural differences. Participating in his family’s cultural events, and my family’s American lifestyle and mentalities, is probably one of the best things about our relationship. It’s a great example of individualism and collectivism, at the beginning we were very aware of how our different cultures shaped our mentalities, the way we acted, and the way we perceived the world.
“However, while we figure out our common grounds we have nothing but love and respect for one another and our cultures. I appreciate how he pushes himself out of his comfort zone to better understand me and I am grateful to be able to indulge in the beautiful Asian cultural experience. I hope that us being a cross-cultural couple will encourage others to set aside their differences, unite under love and respect, and to celebrate different cultures!”
Reanne (21) & Chandler (21)
“Chandler and I met our freshman year of high school through mutual friends. We started off as friends because I wasn’t looking to start any relationships. We saw each other almost every day after school in the library because he waited for swim practice to start while I had to wait for my dad to pick me up after his work. We became really close friends which turned into liking each other after a few months. We would flirt and make each other laugh each day but we didn’t say anything about us liking each other, even though it was really obvious. We didn’t officially confess until the last day of school that year and we didn’t get together until the beginning of sophomore year due to busy summers.
“We had to keep our relationship a secret since my parents did not allow me to date. But 5 and half years later we are still going strong despite the fact that I’m in San Jose for college and he’s still in my hometown for community college. We see each other about twice a month if we’re lucky. The sweetest thing he did for me was sneak out of the house and drove about an hour to bring me medicine and soup when I was sick.”
Sagar (20) & Maddie (22)
“Well weirdly enough we met on a dating app and we’re both pretty proud of that. We never expected to meet someone to date long term on a dating app let alone someone that we’d love very much. Finding the sweetest thing that she has done for me is actually pretty difficult, because she has done a lot for me. But I’d have to say the thing that made me feel the most loved was what she did for me on Christmas.
“My parents haven’t really gotten me anything for years because money has been tight. So from a young age I understood that and told them to not get me anything. As soon as she heard that she told me that she couldn’t really get me much either because we’re both students and money is tight for us both. But little did I know that she made me the most beautiful box with little things in it and she also got me something that I had been wanting for a very long time and honestly that was the best Christmas I’ve ever had and it will always have a special place in my heart. Because it showed me that she cared, that she listened to small things, and that she just wanted to make me happy. I love her dearly and I really want everyone else to know that too!”
George (31) & Ashley (30)
“I was the first person she met in middle school when she first moved to Colorado from New York. I was the student nerd that gave tours of the school.
Josie (20) & Christopher (24)
“When we first met it was at work. I went in to visit my coworkers and saw him there. I was still recovering from a bad relationship so I paid him no attention but my friend thought he was cute. Chris had a girlfriend at the time too and me being a decent and respectful human being immediately labeled him as a friend and older brother because I didn’t want his girlfriend to be uncomfortable with me. We grew close as friends and when him and his girlfriend broke up we started getting closer. I felt bad because I knew she didn’t like me even though I tried to be cool with her and made sure she knew I had no intention of home-wrecking or disrespecting her she was always out of town so i never had a chance to actually get to do so. Eventually we started hanging out more and decided to start dating. He asked me out and we made it official.
“Its so difficult to choose the sweetest thing he’s done for me. When I tell him I’m craving something he says no but the next day he’ll take me to eat it. He always pays for our meals even though I sometimes offer to pay. Every time I need him he’s always there.”
Rachel (20) & Andy (24)
“We met on Minecraft last summer. I was modding a server and his friends joined sometime. I think the sweetest thing he’s done is use his vacation days to fly back and see me, even for a few days. He got a full time job west coast, and I’m studying in the east coast. We call every night, but being physically with him is different.”
Jessica (21) & Max (22)
“We met when we were around 10 years old as we were living on the same street and went to the same elementary school as well as high school. We were best friends for 11 years before we became a couple. He actually had a crush on me our whole childhood and I friend-zoned him (my bad).
“Fast forward to Summer 2017, we started running together 2-3 times/week and I developed feelings for him. A week after I realized I had a huge crush on him, I told him about it and we’ve been together ever since. I am currently on a student exchange in Australia for 6 months and he is coming to see me at the end of it! We’re going to travel Australia and Hong Kong, so that I can meet his family for the first time! He is the most kind and genuine person I’ve ever met and I am grateful that he is willing to make this long trip to come see me.”
Nicholas (28) & Charlene (24)
“We met in 2014 in Santiago, Chile. Nicholas is from the United States while I am from Germany. He was in an incubator program called Startup Chile with his startup and I was in a volunteering program working with children in underprivileged areas of Santiago. Fell in love two months after meeting and he had to leave back to California while I stayed in Chile. We did 8 months of long distance. I left back home to Europe and he came along. First the Netherlands and now Berlin, Germany. That is the sweetest thing he has done. Leave home and move to another continent for me for the past 4 years. This November we will have been together for 5 years and we’re still just as in love as we were back in Chile.”
Amanda (20) & Poy (21)
“While meeting on Tinder may not seem as wholesome to some, what my boyfriend Poy and I love most about the way we met was that it was just so simple. It was two strangers who met with a single swipe and after one ramen and bubble tea date later, we found ourselves falling in love. This is no high school sweethearts or childhood friends turned lovers, it was just two people who got really lucky and to this day, we still can’t believe we found each other.
“The sweetest thing Poy has ever done for me was for our first Valentine’s Day, he recreated all the foods we ate during our first three dates. This was not an easy task to do so Poy spent a whole WEEK preparing and practicing how to make homemade ramen, takoyaki, Korean fried chicken, and creme brule. He was so serious that he made sure the ingredients were bought fresh from the Japanese market and spent hours perfecting the round takoyaki ball.”
Jansen (31) & Asuka (31)
“My girlfriend, Asuka, and I met in Japan when I led my first mission team ever. It was my second day in Japan, and one morning as I was prepping my team, she walked in interrupting me without even introducing herself. I thought, ‘who is this girl telling me how to run my team!’ I later found out she would be the person I’d be coordinating with the rest of the mission trip. I had to keep it cool since I wanted to represent my church well, so I tried really hard to be nice my first week. As I got to know her, I fell in love with her strong personality because I thought, here is a woman who won’t be scared of my blunt and strong character.
“About 2 years later, we maintained a long distance relationship doing missionary work in different parts of the world. We are now waiting to reunite hopefully in June.”
Hanah (36) & Mike (38)
“We’re both high school teachers in Southern California and we have been married for 6 years. He teaches with LA Unified and I teach at my old high school! We were actually set up by our parents and had an amazing 2 dates. But long story short, it didn’t work out. BUT 2 years later Mike started pursuing me again and we ended up dating for 2 years and then getting married. The sweetest thing he’s done was train to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with me! We ended up climbing together and got over 30 kids sponsored with World Vision. He even proposed to me on summit day.”
Jesse (24) & Austin (24)
Megan (20) & Phil (20)

Franceska (27) & Andy (27)

Bryn (18) & Braydan (20)

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Contributer : NextShark

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