Corrupt Vaccine Industry Has The Motive To Stage A Massive False Flag “Outbreak” To Demand Nationwide Vaccine Mandates

The vaccine industry is unique in the fact that the more its products fail, the greater the demand for its faulty products. Simply stated, when vaccines are accidentally distributed with live viruses instead of attenuated (weakened) viruses, they cause the very outbreaks of disease they claim to prevent. Once the outbreak happens, the pharma-funded mainstream […]

Contributer : WorldTruth.Tv
Corrupt Vaccine Industry Has The Motive To Stage A Massive False Flag “Outbreak” To Demand Nationwide Vaccine Mandates Corrupt Vaccine Industry Has The Motive To Stage A Massive False Flag “Outbreak” To Demand Nationwide Vaccine Mandates Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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