TikTok users review-bombed Trump's campaign app so hard that Apple had to reset its star-rating TikTok users review-bombed Trump's campaign app so hard that Apple had to reset its star-rating Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 24, 2020 Rating: 5

How 2000s movies thought the world would end

mimisabreena Monday, August 24, 2020
Welcome to  2000s Week! We're exploring the pop culture that shaped us at the turn of the millennium, and examining what the films, sh...Read More
How 2000s movies thought the world would end How 2000s movies thought the world would end Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 24, 2020 Rating: 5
Spotify is launching an official 'League of Legends' podcast Spotify is launching an official 'League of Legends' podcast Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 24, 2020 Rating: 5
The 3 key attributes you need to win a spot at the world's first AI-focused university, according to its top academic The 3 key attributes you need to win a spot at the world's first AI-focused university, according to its top academic Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 24, 2020 Rating: 5
Take a look inside IBM's offices that have been completely reimagined since the start of the coronavirus pandemic Take a look inside IBM's offices that have been completely reimagined since the start of the coronavirus pandemic Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 24, 2020 Rating: 5


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