15 Sexy Models Behind Classic Pinups

Man, the 50’s were pretty neat, if you think about it. All thanks to those erotic illustrations from the golden age of pinups are astonishing. But even they pale in comparison with the photos they’re based on.

The legendary Gil Elvgren’s paintings depict women as slim, busty, and perfectly styled bombshells, when in reality, not all of the models were as perfect. As Marilyn Monroe used to say “imperfection is beauty”.

Long before computers, and Photoshop, these oil paintings were supposed to cover up all the imperfections, to make women look leggy, and seductive.






Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2h9vCDd

15 Sexy Models Behind Classic Pinups 15 Sexy Models Behind Classic Pinups Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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