Dad Decides To Teach A Mean Intruder A Lifetime Lesson, What Do You Think?

It was during a winter storm back in 2011 in Chicago when this uncommon incident took place. After a plan to pick a snow shovel, use it and carry it away undetected failed epically. The dad had planned to complete an igloo he had been building with his two-year-old daughter was half way done and was planning to carry on with the task. His rude neighbor had other plans for them. Unknown to the thief was that every move was being watched by the tech savvy dad via CCTV cameras. David Welles watched as the shovel was picked from the porch and the intention to steal was now very clear to him. He decided it was time to pounce and teach the thief a lesson they would probably never forget in a lifetime. He grabbed his snow blower and went out to face this intruder. What annoyed him more was that the intruder let her dog poop all over the snow area as if stealing was not enough. Well, you’ve got to watch it yourself. Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Contributer : Viral Stories
Dad Decides To Teach A Mean Intruder A Lifetime Lesson, What Do You Think? Dad Decides To Teach A Mean Intruder A Lifetime Lesson, What Do You Think? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, January 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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