Final Paintings of Well-Known Artists

It must be nice to be a famous artist. First of all, you don’t need to get a regular job like the rest of us. Second of all, most of the time you can make utter bullshit and let the critics give meaning to it for you. Third of all, when you die, everyone will remember the last thing you did.
Don’t get me wrong, an artist’s death is a huge tragedy. But imagine being that guy that got the last painting he made before he died. And now tell me you wouldn’t make a little jump for joy. Be honest. You’d be happy. And you’d be a horrible person. But at least a rich horrible person.
While the last thing someone paints is rarely the best, it’s oftentimes just as memorable as their magnum opus for the sheer fact that it was the end of the artistic journey for that person. And the end of all other journeys, but that’s irrelevant. It’s the story of a journey cut short where the abrupt ending was painted on a canvas and sold of insane amounts of cash.
Let’s take a look at the final paintings of some of the greatest artists to ever walk this Earth.



Vincent Van Gogh, Tree Roots (1890)
Granted, his last work could either be this or Wheatfield With Crows. The latter is often considered to be his real last work because this is the place where he killed himself afterwards. Swell fellow, that Vincent.

Pablo Picasso, Self Portrait Facing Death (1972)
Remember kids: if you’re bad at drawing but want to become an artist, call it cubism. Also, kudos to Pablo for picking that name. A true visionary, Pablo grew to be 91 years old and drew until the last day of his life. Still couldn’t properly draw a face for shit, though.

Contributer Brain Berries

Final Paintings of Well-Known Artists Final Paintings of Well-Known Artists Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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