Someone Really Needs To Tell This Hippo That Crocodiles Aren't Toys

It's no secret that crocodiles are extremely aggressive predators. Their large jaws and general unpredictability are enough to make any animal think twice before picking a fight. However, this hippopotamus must not have gotten the memo about the dangers associated with getting too close to a hungry croc.While observing animals in their natural habitat, National Geographic captured unbelievable footage of a hippo licking a crocodile. Shockingly, the predators didn't really react, but you'll still be cringing the whole time. Well, you don't see that every day. Read More: Here We Have The Reason Why Amusement Park Rides Are The...

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Someone Really Needs To Tell This Hippo That Crocodiles Aren't Toys Someone Really Needs To Tell This Hippo That Crocodiles Aren't Toys Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, April 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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