This Girl Was Having A Hard Time At School. Then She Told Her Classmates A Secret.

About one in 68 children in the U.S. have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which can make it extremely hard for a person to communicate and socialize with other people. It can be pretty difficult for people to imagine what it's like for those living with the disorder, especially considering that no two autistic people share the same experience. Twelve-year-old Holly is autistic herself, and she struggles a lot with social interaction at her middle school. After having a bad few weeks leading to meltdowns and questions from curious classmates, she wanted to help them understand how she was feeling. April...

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This Girl Was Having A Hard Time At School. Then She Told Her Classmates A Secret. This Girl Was Having A Hard Time At School. Then She Told Her Classmates A Secret. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, April 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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