This New Hair-Cutting Technique Is Great If You Don't Mind Accidental Beheadings

I'm always impressed by the cool new ways people come up with to cut hair, but there's no way I'd try this guy's scary method! If you ever find yourself in Russia and feel like changing your look as far as hair goes, he's definitely your man. Although he's not a fan of the traditional scissors that most other hairstylists use, he can still give you a cute long as you're willing to risk your life for it. His affinity for using an axe may not be as scary as cutting hair with fire, but it's still slightly terrifying...

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This New Hair-Cutting Technique Is Great If You Don't Mind Accidental Beheadings This New Hair-Cutting Technique Is Great If You Don't Mind Accidental Beheadings Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, April 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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