Top 10 Deadliest Everyday Foods

If you think the meat-eaters have it bad with the whole last year’s “bacon causes cancer” controversy, wait till you hear what the herbivores have to deal with! There are at least 10 products that we consume on a daily basis, that can literally kill you, on both the meat and the veggie side. So read, and take notes!



1. Fruit Seeds
Did you know that apple seeds contain cyanide? Yeah, that’s common knowledge, and, to be frank, I’ve eaten all the apple I could, and… ‘m still alive and kicking. However I didn’t eat any cherry pits, which are supposedly just as poisonous, if not more. Same goes for peach and apricot pits. And BTW, apricot jam with those pits (without the hard shell) tastes absolutely remarkable.



2. Raw Honey
As someone raised basically in the countryside, I’ve had my fair share of raw honey. The chewy wax did get stuck in my teeth, but, again, I’m still alive! Yet, apparently, unpasteurized honey often contains grayanotoxin, that can cause dizziness, weakness, excessive sweating, nausea, and vomiting that can last for hours.

3. Tomatoes
Do I even need to tell you how many tomatoes I’ve eaten throughout my entire life? But actually, it’s not the fruits themselves (yeah, it’s a fruit), but their leaves and stems, that are harmful. They contain alkali poisons that can cause stomach agitation. However, you would need to eat a whole bucket-load for them to be fatal. Still, the leaves do not taste like candies, I can tell you that much.



4. Cashews
This is nuts! How can something so delicious be deadly? Turns out, raw cashews need to be steamed to remove the urushiol, which can cause the same effect as poison ivy, or poison oak. And at high doses may indeed be fatal. And of course there are those who are allergic to poison ivy. Those people will most likely die if they eat an actual raw cashew. The more you know!
Fresh Ripe Brazilian Caju Cashew Fruit

Contributer Brain Berries

Top 10 Deadliest Everyday Foods Top 10 Deadliest Everyday Foods Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, April 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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