Daredevil With Balls of Steel Walks Along Ledge of Hong Kong Police Headquarters 55 Floors Up

Cheung Jai, a 27-year-old daredevil from Hong Kong, who performs deadly vertigo-inducing walks on rooftops and other high places, recently walked on a ledge of a police headquarters building.

(Disclaimer: Please do not try this at home or anywhere.)

The clip starts with Cheung calming his nerves as he straps a camera on his head and begins to walk on the edge of the building that is believed to be 55 floors high.

It appears Cheung is not wearing any kind of safety equipment as he walks the narrow edge of the headquarters, Daily Mail reported.

The urban explorer was apparently more scared of being caught than the ridiculously scary stunt he pulled.

I was quite nervous about this particular one, not because of the height and the level of danger but because there were 200 police officers in the building and I was worried about being arrested,” he said, according to Caters Clips.

Cheung was inspired to do this stunt after watching several videos online. He has been doing “roof topping” for four years, and it became an obsession.

Cheung also demonstrated his bravery by walking other rooftops around the world, including Empire Melbourne, an apartment building in Melbourne, Australia.

Check out his YouTube channel to see more stomach-churning videos of him walking on the edge of tall structures.

Images via YouTube / Caters Clips

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Contributer : NextShark

Daredevil With Balls of Steel Walks Along Ledge of Hong Kong Police Headquarters 55 Floors Up Daredevil With Balls of Steel Walks Along Ledge of Hong Kong Police Headquarters 55 Floors Up Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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