How to find and use the All Terrain Karts in 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' Season 5

fortnite golf karts season 5

Creators of "Fortnite: Battle Royale" introduced the game's first fast-moving vehicle made specifically for teams of four players this week, as part of the transition to Battle Pass Season 5.

In keeping with the game's goofy, we-don't-take-ourselves-too-seriously style, that vehicle came in the form of what Epic Games calls an "All Terrain Kart"  ATK for short  a very fancy name for a simple golf cart. 

The carts are a game-changer for the Fortnite, as the first mode of transportation large enough to carry your whole squad across the island, all while quickly escaping attackers pursuing you on foot. 

Here's everything we know about the new golf carts, and how to use them:


SEE ALSO: How to use the rifts in 'Fortnite' to teleport away from enemies

Finding the carts shouldn't be too difficult, especially if you know where to look. There are tons of them scattered throughout the map. I often saw three or four in a single round.

The hot spots seem to be Lazy Links  which is no surprise because there's a golf course there, after all — and Paradise Palms, although you can find them in smaller numbers all over the island. 

Carts can be found in every mode of the game, but are ideal for playing "squads" mode with up to three of your friends, because one person can drive while the other teammates build ramps to drive up or shoot at enemies as you pass by. 

After finding a golf cart, you simply hit your equip button (Y if you're using the Nintendo Switch, like I was) while standing on the driver's side and you're on your way!

I was a little underwhelmed the first time I nabbed one, because they're actually not much faster than the shopping carts, and tip over quite easily. Although, I was using the Nintendo Switch while trying them out, so I was definitely more prone to over-correcting on the steering than a person playing on a PC might be.

However, the carts are really quiet, which is a nice change from lots of other battle royale games, in which riding in a loud vehicle will immediately give your position away.

You can't wield any weapons or pick up any materials while in the driver's seat, but you can switch seats while the cart is in motion, just like the shopping carts.

I spent a couple rounds simply using my cart to avoid other players and to go check out all the new scenery around the island. 

On one of my site seeing journeys, I found that the carts can actually drive through water at top speed, which is nice. 

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Contributer : Tech Insider
How to find and use the All Terrain Karts in 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' Season 5 How to find and use the All Terrain Karts in 'Fortnite: Battle Royale' Season 5 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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