John Cena Volunteers to Be a Bodyguard for K-Pop Group BTS

Professional WWE wrestler John Cena offered to be the bodyguard of world-renowned K-pop group BTS.

After a hectic arrival at the South Korea airport where many fans were eager to catch a glimpse of the boy band, some members of BTS’ A.R.M.Y thought they needed additional protection.

One fan, in particular, reached out to Cena, who is known to be a BTS fan and fellow A.R.M.Y member, via Twitter.

The tweet came from a fandom account which said, “We need John Cena and his gang to punch those pitches if they crossed the line at the airport.”

The WWE wrestler replied, “I’ve had a little trouble keeping up lately but does @BTS_twt @bts_bighit need a bodyguard? Crazy because I’ve been touring with them for years, they just can’t see me. #GotYourSix

BTS fans were quick to express their excitement and support for Cena’s offer.

Are you ready to rumble with Cena’s job offer?

Featured Images via Facebook / John Cena (Left), BTS (Right)

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Contributer : NextShark

John Cena Volunteers to Be a Bodyguard for K-Pop Group BTS John Cena Volunteers to Be a Bodyguard for K-Pop Group BTS Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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