Logan Paul Doesn’t Think Harassing People With Pokéballs in Japan Was Culturally Insensitive

Logan Paul does not think he was being culturally insensitive when he displayed his obnoxious behavior during his infamous trip to Japan earlier this year.  

Paul, who earned universal outrage after posting the “suicide forest” video in January, recently sat down with popular filmmaker/YouTube creator Casey Neistat for a one-on-one interview.

The disgraced social media celebrity has reportedly been working on a vehicle for his “redemption” with a documentary about his life which will touch on his controversial Japan trip.

Before playing the 30-minute interview, Neistat explained that while it was he who asked Paul for the interview, he still felt that, in a way, he could be “enabling Logan” by being “a part of the machine to rehabilitate his image.”

“To be totally honest I wasn’t sure, I’m still not sure if releasing it is the right thing,” said Neistat in his video. “My very specific intention with this interview was to see if he was sincere about what he’s trying to accomplish with this documentary or if the whole thing is just a charade for good PR and now I feel like watching this interview over and over and over I still I don’t know I there’s a little bit of me that thinks maybe I’m enabling Logan.”

Paul told Neistat that the controversy happened because he “got so caught up with my actions being validated by millions of people.”

“I forgot to be a human being in that situation and instead decided to be a content creator, and that’s where I messed up,” he said.

Neistat did not hold back asking Paul tough questions and even pointed out how it appears the YouTuber somehow thinks that he is the victim in this whole scenario, saying, “Even in that response, there was like a little whiff of it sounding like you see yourself in some capacity as a victim.”

“I’m not the victim but what I’m not afraid to do though is to be vulnerable about this,” Paul responded.

Paul then justified the infamous stunt in which he ran around wearing a kimono and kasa because “they sell the outfits in Japan.”

He also did not find dressing up as Pikachu and throwing stuffed Pokéballs at strangers as culturally insensitive. 

“There’s a difference between being culturally insensitive — being insensitive towards a culture — and being insensitive,” he said.

“I jumped off a bridge in Italy, is that culturally insensitive? Is saying ‘mamma mia’ culturally insensitive?”

Despite all the shenanigans he did in Japan, Paul remains confident that his name and brand are all about positivity.

“That’s why I’m a brand — that’s who Logan Paul is,” he proclaimed. “I bridge the gap between being a motivational speaker for kids, and saying, yeah I am a fucking kid. I’m 23 years old and if I want to go jump out of a plane naked, I’m going to go fucking do it. But at the same time, you can work hard and achieve your goals.”

Paul also revealed that his upcoming documentary is about “a seemingly regular kid … falling into the social media machine over the past four years, building an audience, garnering false power … and then essentially losing it all overnight [and] becoming the most hated man in the world in the snap of a finger.”

He said he has yet to decide whether his documentary will be monetized but in case it is, “100% of the proceeds will go to some sort of suicide prevention awareness program because that’s essentially what this whole thing is about.”

Announcing that he is now ready to make his so-called comeback, Paul is already seeing how the public will embrace his “redemption.”

“I think Hollywood, I think America in general, they love redemption stories,” Paul explained.

“My life is now a story about someone who was winning, someone who self-imploded and the architect of their own destruction, and [that] struggle and vulnerability.”

Paul, who does not admit what his actual mistakes are, then says, “I want to become better, I don’t want to let my mistakes define me.”

On Twitter, it is evident no one is buying his explanation:

The post Logan Paul Doesn’t Think Harassing People With Pokéballs in Japan Was Culturally Insensitive appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Logan Paul Doesn’t Think Harassing People With Pokéballs in Japan Was Culturally Insensitive Logan Paul Doesn’t Think Harassing People With Pokéballs in Japan Was Culturally Insensitive Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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