Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded As ‘Minor Attracted Persons’

In a disturbing attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual orientation,” pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons,” with the hope that they will be accepted as part of the LGBT community. A website has been established called “The Prevention Project,” which sports the tagline “Everyone deserves support,” and attempts to push two disgusting ideas—that […]

Contributer : WorldTruth.Tv
Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded As ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded As ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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