People are baffled after someone said eating cereal with water is better than milk


There are a lot of unpopular opinions out there. Some are polarizing (I will go to my grave defending the honor of pineapple on pizza), while some takes aren't actually that controversial

But every so often there is one opinion so devious, so purely evil, that it rises above the rest. I'm talking, of course, about eating cereal with water

Redditor u/DubitablyIndubitable shared their beliefs on how this breakfast food should be eaten with a post that has since become the top of all time on the subreddit r/unpopularopinion. 

The reaction was a swift and intense "thanks, I hate it!" This was compounded by the fact that he admitted he doesn't even drink the cereal water (two words that shouldn't be together), the same way you would drink the leftover cereal milk in the bowl.  Read more...

More about Food, Reddit, Culture, Unpopular Opinion, and Culture

COntributer : Mashable

People are baffled after someone said eating cereal with water is better than milk People are baffled after someone said eating cereal with water is better than milk Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, April 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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