Chrome browser to stop websites abusing the back button


Regardless of the web browser you use, we all rely on the back button to return to the previously visited page. But some websites abuse the back button to stop you leaving. It's infuriating, but soon to be a thing of the past for Chromium-based browsers.

As Naked Security reports, the developers behind the Chromium open source browser, which Google Chrome (and the new Edge browser) are built around, are introducing new behavior to stop websites from breaking back button functionality.

There are two ways a website can currently break the back button. The first is by introducing redirects which sees a website first load another page that instantly redirects to the intended website. By doing that, clicking the back button simply loads the previous page which once again redirects back to the page you are attempting to leave. Read more...

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COntributer : Mashable

Chrome browser to stop websites abusing the back button Chrome browser to stop websites abusing the back button Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, May 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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