'Ghost Recon Breakpoint' steers clear of meaningful, real-world commentary

Ghost Recon Breakpoint, revealed on Thursday, has a chance to deliver a compelling message about the real world and the lack of regulations we place on giant tech companies, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to.
In Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the fictional Silicon Valley tech giant Skell Technology has been developing artificial intelligence and drones that can autonomously track and murder people. Skell’s unchecked technological development and free reign to do what they want is turning the world into a surveillance state where nobody is safe.
Breakpoint’s setting is ripe for commentary as we see real-world companies like Facebook routinely undermine the privacy of millions and millions of people, as military drones rain death and destruction on foreign countries, and tech giants creep into the municipal sphere with capitalistic intentions disguised as public service. The trailer itself looks promising. Read more...
More about Ubisoft, Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Entertainment, and GamingCOntributer : Mashable http://bit.ly/2PUZFy8

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