'No Man's Sky' hack lets you travel the universe in VR


The reviews of No Man's Sky, the PC and PlayStation 4 game that allows you to endlessly visit the universe, have been mixed. But while some are calling the game's stunning, though often action-less, visuals boring, a new hack may change all that through the power of virtual reality.  

One YouTube user called Hoopermation posted a video of the results when using the VR injection driver VorpX to play No Man's Sky on the HTC Vive. And while it's hard to tell exactly how stunning the VR port is from watching the video, based on his gameplay and reactions, it's clear that the experience is probably worth the effort. Read more...

More about Ps4, Gaming, Virtual Reality, Vr, and No Man S Sky

Credit to Mashable.
'No Man's Sky' hack lets you travel the universe in VR 'No Man's Sky' hack lets you travel the universe in VR Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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